There are two models to address the waste collection issue. One model proposes that before December of this year, waste collection for the private sector will be fully privatized. The subsidy will then no longer be provided, says Minister Riad Nurmohamed of Public Works (OW).
The proposal is already with the Council of Ministers. Between now and December, a plan will be developed for paid waste collection, where citizens will pay based on the amount of waste, according to the minister. Annually, it costs the government SRD 400 million to guarantee waste collection nationwide, and the government wants to relieve itself of this burden.
In an interview with TBN Prime Alert, the minister stated that the responsibility will no longer fall on his ministry. Citizens will need to negotiate directly with the private companies paid to remove waste bags.
Regarding rates, several models have been developed and will be further discussed with stakeholders, Nurmohamed says. Paid waste collection will be introduced gradually. Structural solutions will also consider waste separation.
Regular waste will go in black bags and be collected frequently, while items like plastics, cans, and other non-perishable waste will be placed in separate bags and collected only once a month, reducing costs at landfills. Nurmohamed emphasizes that, regardless of the chosen model, affordability for citizens will remain a priority.
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