Vibrant trade in driver’s licenses; SRD 5,000 to SRD 20,000

It is no longer a secret that driver’s licenses can be bought in Suriname. This is truly an option for those who do not wish to undergo the process to obtain the document legally or have been rejected several times. Although the police frequently report on drivers being stopped with false driver’s licenses, reports of individuals who have paid a hefty sum for them are scarce.
It is simply untraceable, partly because people protect each other, and no one dares to take action. Those wishing to pay for a driver’s license can arrange a meeting with the driving school owner or instructor, who then informs the driving examiner. In some cases, even the driving school owner does not need to be involved. It is important that one has the required amount of money available.
Suriname suriname learns from an insider that this can range from SRD 5,000 for a small driver’s license to SRD 20,000 for a large driver’s license. It may also be the case that the driving school owner makes the proposal themselves. If you do not agree to this, you run the risk of failing the exam.
R.R., with whom the editorial team spoke, suspects that this happened to his son. “Two days before his exam, the driving instructor asked him if he wanted to buy the driver’s license. The instructor said the examiner is not strict, and that my son would only have to hand over the money.” R.R. states that his son refused the offer.
“On the day of the exam, the examiner made various comments in the car, and the driving instructor intervened, much to my son’s surprise.” The young man was rejected. R.R. names the examiner K. and a driving school on Indira Gandhiweg.
It is notable that P.A. also names K. as the examiner from whom he paid for his driver’s license. K. is reportedly not the only examiner involved in this practice.
“It is a vibrant trade, and the police are aware of it,” says a former police officer. He welcomed the earlier call in parliament by lawmakers Obed Kanape and Ronny Asabina for oversight on driving schools and their remarks on the phenomenon of selling driver’s licenses. However, the man speaks of a strong cartel among driving schools and examiners, to whose whims candidates are subjected. “The driving schools are known, and so are the police officers.”