Claiming a ministry is unnecessary, as these institutions do not belong to any political party, stated Cedric van Samson of the VHP. He explained that when someone claims something, it gives the impression that it belongs to them, which is not the case with a government department. “The country is not an insurance company where you can just make claims,” said the parliamentarian. Furthermore, the entire government is led by the president, who appoints and dismisses ministers.
The notion of claiming a ministry, Van Samson argued, creates policy problems early on. He made these remarks in light of the vacant position at the Ministry of Home Affairs following the honorable discharge of Bronto Somohardjo.
The PL insists on its claim to the ministry based on a 2020 agreement that assigned it to them. Meanwhile, the ABOP, whose political partnership with PL has since ended, also lays claim to the department. Speaking with TBN Prime Alert, Van Samson stated that the public should know that President Chan Santokhi aims to bring calm to the situation and involve all parties.
Van Samson criticized parties for prioritizing loyalty over competence and expertise when seeking to fill a ministerial post. He questioned why parties claim departments when a joint government program is in place.
With elections only months away, the parliamentarian stressed the importance of ensuring that the voting process proceeds orderly. “It cannot be that the ministerial post remains unfilled,” he added. Reflecting on the unity promoted in 2020, Van Samson noted that not all partners have treated unity as a priority.
The politician warned that tensions within the coalition should not provide an advantage to the NDP in the upcoming elections. He asserted that the public is well aware of the party leadership’s statements during the election of a new chairman. The VHP, on the other hand, has consistently involved everyone in the path to development and will continue to do so, Van Samson claimed.
According to Van Samson, the public now recognizes the VHP’s commitment to sustainable development and will make the same choice in 2025. He added that the party is attracting individuals with intelligence who avoid getting caught up in baseless discussions on social media.
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