Public administration expert Eugène van der San disagrees with the statements made by Vice President (VP) Ronnie Brunswijk. The government official allegedly stated that there is only one boss at the Ministry of Land Policy and Forest Management (GBB), namely the minister. According to Brunswijk, the deputy minister has no signing authority and the ultimate responsibility lies with Minister Dinotha Vorswijk.
Van der San expressed his frustration with such statements, which he believes show a lack of understanding of the Constitution’s provisions. He argues that the responsibility does not lie solely with the minister. Upon the swearing-in of the deputy minister of GBB, Sieuw Ramsukul, the deputy was granted powers by the Constitution that make him independent of the minister.
Moreover, Van der San emphasizes that the deputy minister answers to the president, not the minister. He points to Article 124 of the Constitution, which he claims clearly regulates this matter. In an interview with LIM FM, the former director of the President’s Cabinet explained that the duties of the minister, due to the appointment of the deputy minister, are partly transferred to the deputy’s responsibilities.
According to the law, the minister is responsible for policy matters under her jurisdiction, just as the deputy minister is responsible for matters within his. Constitutionally, Van der San argues, there is no hierarchical relationship where one person is in charge of the other.
Van der San finds it troubling that Brunswijk lacks sufficient knowledge of the Constitution. He urges the vice president to seek advice from his legal experts. “We’re talking about a country, not a personal enterprise,” said the former Cabinet director. He praised former President Desi Bouterse, who, according to Van der San, did not make such mistakes because he was well-advised.
Van der San emphasizes that he aims to mobilize the public to raise awareness about the importance of understanding the Constitution. He calls on citizens not to vote for individuals who lack knowledge of constitutional rules in the upcoming elections.
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