The library of the Anton de Kom University of Suriname (AdeKUS) is embarking on a modernization journey, according to Director Tanya Sitaram. Speaking to Suriname suriname, Sitaram emphasized the importance of integrating the latest technologies into the country’s sole academic library. The planned upgrades include transitioning to e-books, establishing a digital library, and offering enhanced digital services.
The initiative aims to provide students and other library users with greater flexibility by enabling remote access to resources. “Students can now work from home and no longer need to visit the library physically to find literature,” Sitaram explained.
She highlighted that students already have access to a system offering a wide range of databases. “On-campus, they can also use these services. The university invests thousands of U.S. dollars annually to subscribe to 16 databases, allowing students free access to these resources. Since not all books are freely available online, the university covers the cost for these databases,” she noted.
The director pointed out that the library also facilitates access to international databases. “Students often think everything can be found on Google, but that’s not the case. We must invest in up-to-date books because many older editions are no longer relevant. As an information center, we procure and make these books available. Through the international databases, students can access premium resources, which they can consult at the library,” said Sitaram.
Recently, the university library celebrated its 40th anniversary with a series of events. Sitaram, who has been leading the library for about three years, expressed pride in contributing to students’ knowledge development and future prospects. “I want to continue making more information accessible, acquiring new books, and guiding students. It brings me great satisfaction to contribute to their growth and education in this way,” she shared.
The university library currently houses approximately 220,000 books of Surinamese origin.
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