Marten Schalkwijk, chairman of the Strategic Group for Oil and Gas Policy, has emphasized that the 30-member team is not a political organization. According to Schalkwijk, the group primarily consists of experts with diverse areas of expertise. Integrity, vision, and a commitment to serving the public interest are key requirements for participation.
The Strategic Group aims to develop a policy framework to manage future oil and gas revenues effectively and sustainably. This framework will serve as advisory guidance for any government in power. The group will operate through subcommittees focused on topics such as legislation, investment, economic growth, and education.
Schalkwijk noted that if certain expertise is unavailable in Suriname, international specialists might be brought in. “This is a unique opportunity for Suriname, and it is crucial to have a national dialogue on how best to utilize oil and gas revenues,” he stated in an interview with Stanvaste Radio.
The professor and Suriname’s ambassador in Washington, D.C., cautioned against repeating the mistakes of neighboring Guyana, where oil revenues have not fully benefited the population. “In Guyana, while there is plenty of money, it has led to adverse effects such as skyrocketing land prices, making land unaffordable for the average citizen. Suriname must avoid this,” Schalkwijk warned.
The Strategic Group for Oil and Gas Policy aims to complete its policy framework by the elections on May 25, 2025. During this process, the group plans to engage with the research arms of various political parties to develop broadly supported solutions.
Although oil production is expected to commence in about four years, Schalkwijk stressed the importance of having a robust plan now. “Future revenues represent a golden opportunity for Suriname, but they must be carefully managed,” he said.
President Chan Santokhi installed the Strategic Group for Oil and Gas Policy on Thursday, November 21, following its announcement during the 2025 State of the Nation Address. At the installation, the president highlighted that the selection of group members was independent of political influence and conducted without his or his ministers’ involvement. “This demonstrates that this is a national issue,” the president stated.
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