Guillermo Samson, former chairman and founder of the A Nyun Sranan Beweging (ANSB), positions himself as the liaison for new politics. This new political movement, which advocates for a different way of thinking and acting in politics, hopes to secure seats in the elections on May 25, 2025. The parties involved are De Nieuwe Wind, De Nieuwe Leeuw, and Wi Sranan. Additionally, a Javanese party is expected to join this alliance.
In the coming months, it will become clear whether these parties will participate in the elections under one banner or separately. According to Samson, this is about a new political ideology that seeks to end the old political thinking characterized by patronage and corruption. Although Samson claims to have left the ANSB due to unfair practices within the organization, he continues to support the new political movement. Through the aforementioned parties, he intends to spread these innovative ideas further.
The former ANSB leader notes receiving a great deal of support from people who align with the principles of new politics. He mentioned this during an interview on To The Point on Apintie TV. According to Samson, discussions will take place in the coming period with the young parties, after which the direction of the movement will become clearer to the public. The goal of the new political movement is to attract honest and capable citizens who can help develop Suriname. Samson emphasizes that such individuals can be found in all political parties.
Samson addressed current issues and expressed strong criticism of the current government. He stated that many falsehoods are being told about the so-called economic stability. “How is it possible that people are still suffering from hunger, and that healthcare and education are in a deplorable state?” he asked. Regarding the announced US$ 750 from oil and gas revenues, Samson believes President Chan Santokhi can “keep it in his shirt pocket,” as he considers the deal harmful to society.
Samson also advocates for a revision of the Surinamese Constitution and a clearer definition of the parliamentary system. He disapproves of the president consolidating too much power, as he believes is the case under Santokhi’s current leadership. Furthermore, Samson stresses that several institutions need to be strengthened to enable Suriname to perform better and develop further.
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