The National Anti-Drug Council (NAR), part of the Ministry of Health, organized a workshop yesterday to gather input for the new National Drug Master Plan (NDMP). The event, held at the Lallarookh building, brought together a wide range of stakeholders to share ideas, knowledge, and perspectives on addressing drug-related challenges in Suriname.
The NDMP is reviewed every five years and serves as a guideline for combating both drug-related crime and substance abuse. The updated plan must comply with international standards, including those of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission, and is expected to be finalized by the end of this year.
In his opening address, President Chan Santokhi stressed that drug-related issues require an integrated and multidisciplinary approach. “Drugs are not solely a criminal issue; they are also a health matter. We must focus on reducing usage, providing support to addicts, and raising community awareness,” the president stated. He advocated for centralized coordination in addressing the problem and highlighted the importance of collaboration.
According to NAR director of operational services, Bieswadath Somai, drug-related crime and substance abuse have a devastating impact on society. “The problem poses a threat to public welfare and hampers the nation’s socioeconomic development,” he said. The policy must focus not only on enforcement but also on prevention, such as educating youth and other at-risk groups.
The workshop emphasized that the NDMP must be translated into national action plans with specific strategies and resources. This is essential, as drug-related issues affect all levels of society.
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