Suriname concluded the year 2024 with an inflation rate below 10 percent, achieving single-digit inflation. This performance surpassed the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) forecast of 15 percent. President Chan Santokhi attributed this achievement to the dedication and perseverance of the Surinamese people.
During the year-end meeting at the Office of the President, Santokhi expressed gratitude to his staff and team for their efforts over the past year. He highlighted the nation’s progress: the budget deficit was reduced from 18 percent to less than 3 percent, international reserves increased to USD 1.4 billion, and economic growth improved from -16 percent to +3 percent.
“These are accomplishments to be proud of,” stated the President, emphasizing that the IMF approved all eight reviews due to these results. He also acknowledged the sacrifices made by the population and promised visible improvements starting January 1.
The President announced that negotiations with labor unions on improvements for 2025 would resume. He assured government employees that they could expect better conditions in the coming year. Additionally, from January, a voucher system will be introduced to distribute food widely, enabling citizens to purchase essential items.
Other priorities for the upcoming year include addressing land issues, improving roads, strengthening healthcare, and intensifying the fight against crime. Sending a stern message to criminals, Santokhi declared, “The sheriff is back.”
The President reiterated the government’s commitment to restoring trust and delivering the benefits of economic reforms to the people.
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