In his traditional New Year’s address, President Chan Santokhi reflected on an eventful 2024 and shared his vision for the coming year. With a message of hope, courage, and cooperation, the president called on the nation to work together toward a stronger and more prosperous Suriname.
President Santokhi began his speech by reflecting on the challenges of the past year. “We have experienced a turbulent year; much has happened in and around our country,” he said. While the government made significant progress in stabilizing the economy and public finances, he acknowledged that 2024 had been a difficult year for many citizens.
The president reminded everyone that the government’s initial focus was on addressing the financial and economic crisis. Through negotiations with international organizations, creditors, and partners, a foundation for recovery was laid. Thanks to concrete measures, debt restructuring, and successful reviews of the IMF program, the economy was gradually stabilized.
He pointed to key achievements, such as controlling inflation—now under 10%, better than the projected 15%—and a growing economy that is creating more job opportunities. “The private sector is already actively seeking employees,” he noted.
Concrete achievements in 2024The president highlighted several milestones reached in 2024, including:
– Security: The police force received additional resources, such as patrol vehicles, and the military was strengthened both on water and in the air.– Rule of law: The judiciary was expanded and became more efficient, enabling faster case handling.– Infrastructure: New roads, bridges, and public facilities were constructed, improving accessibility and livability.– Sustainability: Suriname gained international recognition as a carbon-negative country, and the first revenues from the sale of carbon credits are expected in 2025.
Additionally, the president called 2024 a significant year for oil and gas development. The government finalized agreements with TotalEnergies for offshore oil exploitation, representing an investment of over USD 10 billion. While the first revenues are expected in 2028, the coming years will already bring economic activity and job creation.
Vision for 2025: Royalties for EveryoneOne of the most striking announcements in the address was the RVI (Royalties for Everyone) program. This initiative aims to ensure that the revenues from natural resources like oil and gas are distributed fairly. “The new income will bring prosperity, but also prosperity that is shared equitably,” the president stated.
Focus on social welfare and vulnerable groupsThe president acknowledged that many challenges remain for the population, particularly in the areas of housing, healthcare, education, and public transportation. He emphasized that now that the economy and public finances are under control, there is room to address the social problems facing citizens.
Initiatives such as the Food Basket program, measures to strengthen purchasing power, and increases in pensions for the elderly and child benefits are, according to the president, steps in the right direction. Energy subsidy reforms are also designed to ensure that support reaches the most vulnerable groups.
Call for cooperationPresident Santokhi concluded his address with a powerful call for cooperation: “If you consider the mountains we have moved in recent years, we can undoubtedly tackle this challenge as well. Together, we have experienced so much. Together, as Surinamese, we are so strong.”
With a wish for a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2025 and a blessing for the country, he stressed the importance of hope, optimism, and pride. “Let 2025 be a year of cooperation, progress, and a Suriname that emerges stronger from every challenge.”
“Wo seti a kondre bun, nanga Gado leki un Fesiman.”
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