Amid the government’s large-scale Bitcoin (BTC) acquisitions, the Trump administration has decided to further stimulate public interest in digital assets.
One of the key initiatives is a 0.03 BTC giveaway for the first 1,000 new users of the crypto wallet and trading platform. To receive the giveaway, users must register on the platform and enter the promo code GETTR.
Trump’s Cryptocurrency Strategy: Bitcoin as a Strategic Asset for the U.S.
In a recent statement, Trump emphasized that Bitcoin is becoming a vital part of the U.S. financial strategy. According to him, strengthening the country’s influence in the cryptocurrency market will reduce reliance on traditional financial institutions and boost the national economy.
“America must lead the digital economy. Bitcoin and blockchain are the future, and we will do everything to ensure our citizens have access to cutting-edge financial technologies,” Trump stated.
The policy of supporting cryptocurrencies includes not only government BTC acquisitions but also simplified regulations for digital assets, tax relief for miners and traders, and attracting major crypto market players to the U.S.
What Is Elubit and Why a BTC Giveaway?
Elubit is a modern crypto wallet and trading platform for exchanging digital assets. The platform offers convenient tools for storing, buying, and selling cryptocurrencies, as well as a secure infrastructure for managing digital assets.
The 0.03 BTC giveaway aims to attract a mass audience and promote Bitcoin adoption among a broader user base. This initiative is part of a larger program to develop the crypto industry in the U.S. and create favorable conditions for blockchain integration into the national economy.
How to Get 0.03 BTC?
To take advantage of the offer, users must:
Register on
Enter the promo code GETTR in the giveaway activation section
Receive 0.03 BTC in their account (available for the first 1,000 users)
The Future of Bitcoin in the U.S.: What’s Next?
Experts predict that cryptocurrencies will soon play a key role in the American financial system. The BTC giveaway program may be just the first step in a large-scale campaign to implement digital assets at the national level.
With the U.S. government accelerating its Bitcoin acquisitions, BTC prices could see another surge. Analysts believe Trump’s actions will further strengthen Bitcoin’s global position and increase investor interest in digital assets.
Stay tuned for updates and don’t miss your chance to claim 0.03 BTC on Elubit.
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