The leadership of the Korps Politie Suriname (KPS) has reminded police officers of their instructions regarding the upcoming elections. In a letter signed by Chief of Police Bryan Isaacs, the officers are informed that it is prohibited to engage in political activities without written permission from the police chief. They are also prohibited from being used by political organizations for maintaining order during political events.
Police officers may not give speeches at political events nor engage in actions related to the upcoming elections that could damage the image of the police force. In light of the general elections on May 25, 2025, officers are reminded that all relevant orders must be strictly followed, in accordance with Article 10 of the Police Officers’ Instructions. This article emphasizes that officers must exercise their duties within the limits of their authority and comply with all applicable regulations, guidelines, and orders.
Article 10 also outlines that police officers must act with calm, goodwill, and fairness, ensuring that their behavior does not undermine the dignity of their office or the reputation of the police. They are also required to maintain impartiality at all times.
The police chief’s letter stresses that all members of the police force should adhere to these rules, and failure to do so will result in disciplinary actions. The heads of various police departments are tasked with ensuring compliance among officers under their command.
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