The party council of Pertjajah Luhur (PL) officially approved the nomination of 28 candidates for the position of Minister of Home Affairs on Saturday evening. PL Chairman Paul Somohardjo emphasized during the meeting that the party has ample qualified personnel to fill the role. “Most of the nominated individuals have a title in front of their name,” said Somohardjo.
The nomination is based on a cooperation agreement signed during the formation of the coalition, which includes the VHP, ABOP, and PL. Initially, the NPS was also part of the coalition but later withdrew from the partnership. According to the agreement, the PL has the right to nominate the Minister of Home Affairs. Somohardjo acknowledged that political pressure is being applied but expressed confidence that President Chan Santokhi and his VHP will remain committed to the terms of the agreement.
Among the names put forward by the PL to the President are individuals from various fields, including Nasier Eskak, Saima Cabenda-Kromokarijo, Aminah Pardie, Joan Tajib, and Xiaobao Zheng.
The list reflects the party’s diversity and expertise, featuring candidates like Shasvien Nirmal, Hendrik Setroredjo, and Firdaus Samijadi. According to Somohardjo, this extensive list provides the party with a wide pool of experienced and qualified candidates.
The final decision now rests with President Santokhi, who is responsible for appointing ministers. However, the PL expects that the selection will adhere to the agreed-upon coalition terms. This nomination marks an important step for the PL as it seeks to strengthen its political role within the coalition and showcase its talent pool.
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