Minister Riad Nurmohamed of Public Works (OW) stated ahead of the weekly Council of Ministers (RvM) meeting that there are no new updates in the Pan American case. The case, which has caused significant political and public turmoil in recent months, remains unresolved for now.
Despite the serious allegations of fraudulent payments and potential criminal acts, no concrete results or official statements have been released. The Pan American case centers around alleged payments of nearly 8 million USD to Pan American Real Estate based on falsified documents.
The accusations implicate not only the OW minister but also President Chan Santokhi, adding to the political sensitivity of the matter. The case has drawn the attention of both the government and parliament, with increasing pressure on those involved to provide accountability.
Minister Nurmohamed stated that he cannot provide information about the progress of the investigation as it is still ongoing. His response is seen by some as an attempt to ease public pressure until definitive conclusions are reached. On the other hand, the delay may indicate the thoroughness with which the case is being handled, though the prolonged uncertainty raises questions about the speed of the investigation.
While the minister has been silent on new developments, a significant step in the investigation has already been taken: Ginmardo Kromosoeto, the former director of the Surinaamse Postspaarbank (SPSB), has been questioned. This suggests that the investigation is active, but the slow progress continues to provoke concerns given the sensitivity of the case and the involvement of political figures.
Minister Nurmohamed emphasized his commitment to ensuring transparency in the government’s projects. However, he also acknowledged the possibility of mistakes being made. This acknowledgment seems aimed at maintaining public trust, but the gravity of the allegations and the involvement of high-ranking officials make it challenging to resolve the situation quickly without clear accountability.
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