The National Democratic Party (NDP) is once again taking the initiative to reform Suriname’s political system. The party argues that the current government has failed to adequately address the people’s needs and aspirations, resulting in significant issues. Collaborating with the HVB and Progressive Alternative Plus (PA+), the NDP aims to bring about changes for a better Suriname.
On the evening of Friday, November 29, PA+ signed a covenant at the NDP headquarters. In her address, NDP chair Jenny Simons highlighted that the party has adopted an ethical code designed to bring about substantial changes in the political arena.
According to Simons, this code will pave the way for honest and ethical leaders who prioritize the welfare of society. PA+ has split from the PDO, which has now aligned with the ABOP. This faction believes that the previously signed covenant with the NDP should not be disregarded.
Simons further stated that anyone claiming all problems can be solved within days after the elections is misleading the public. She noted that the issues are too complex for quick resolutions. Welcoming a large contingent of PA+ supporters, she called for unity and action.
Emanuel Enjoem, PA+ chair, expressed confidence that his group would add value to the partnership with the other parties. He acknowledged the hard work ahead and emphasized that only through determination can the NDP grow and displace the current ruling powers.
Enjoem also criticized President Chan Santokhi’s promise of $750, suggesting the funds would be better invested in quality healthcare and infrastructure. “Who gave the president the authority to decide that $750 is sufficient for everyone?” Enjoem questioned.
HVB chairman Mike Noersaliem stressed the importance of reliability, asserting that politicians must fulfill their promises to maintain the trust of the people. He declared that the collaborating parties have no choice but to regain the community’s confidence.
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