If the NDP gains power in the elections on May 25, 2025, ministers appointed to the cabinet should not expect to receive government vehicles. They will have to use their own cars and leave office with their personal vehicles after their term ends. This measure aims to address much of the public criticism. NDP chair and former National Assembly speaker Jennifer Simons made this statement at a community meeting in Goede Verwachting.
Suriname is currently not in a position to purchase luxury goods while its people struggle with food shortages, inadequate education, and challenges in healthcare. Simons emphasized that the party is serious about introducing a new political culture in the country. She acknowledged uncertainty about the state of affairs the party will inherit if it comes to power but promised that available resources will be shared fairly with the population. Simons stressed her commitment to frugal governance.
She also issued a stern warning to anyone planning to misuse public funds. “We will send the attorney general after you,” the party leader declared.
As long as the country’s situation remains difficult, government officials must tighten their belts alongside the people. According to Simons, if no one misuses public funds and everyone works hard for the community, the country’s situation will only improve.
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