Journalists outraged over government’s behavior at press conferences

Journalists are displeased with the lack of respect shown by the government towards media workers. Yesterday, during the regular press meeting following the cabinet council, they waited in vain for the ministers to arrive, despite being invited to attend.
It had been agreed that ministers David Abiamofo of Natural Resources (NH) and Gracia Emanuel of Regional Development and Sports (ROS) would address the media. However, after waiting for 45 minutes, only Jason Saiman, the president’s spokesperson, appeared. He apologized for the inconvenience and briefly shared a few details. The media, however, was dissatisfied with this treatment and expressed their displeasure.
Saiman was told that this behavior was unacceptable and that it displayed a lack of respect towards the public. He was asked to convey to the government that this cannot continue, and there is a possibility that no media outlets will attend future government press conferences. This was not the first time the media’s patience had been tested at press events, and today’s absence of any government official to inform the public was the final straw.
Despite an earlier meeting between the government and the Surinamese Association of Journalists (SVJ), which included discussions on press conferences, things went wrong just a few hours later. Saiman’s only statement was that President Chan Santokhi is awaiting the results of the investigation by the Central Government Accountants Service (CLAD) regarding Minister Bronto Somohardjo. The president is expected to make a decision later this week.