VHP parliamentarian Niesha Jhakry views ABOP leader and Vice President Ronnie Brunswijk’s promise in Nickerie as mere a show. Brunswijk declared that, if his party wins the election, every resident of Nickerie would receive a hectare of land. However, Jhakry notes that ABOP does not need an election victory to grant land to citizens through the Land Policy and Forestry Management (GBB).
She questions why this pledge is only being made shortly before the elections, given that Brunswijk is already part of the coalition government. Jhakry believes the approach to land allocation should be different.
“There’s no need to make a big show of it or to wait until there are hundreds of titles to hand out. As soon as one title is available, give it directly to the person in question,” Jhakry stated in an interview with Radio ABC.
According to her, people should not have to wait years for their land titles. She also acknowledges the government’s role in the matter and argues for reform in the land issuance policy. Additionally, she advocates for the GBB minister to make all land allocations public so that the public can know who has received land and where it is located. Jhakry believes that past governments have made the process unnecessarily complicated.
She wonders how much longer this behavior will continue and expresses hope that citizens can soon access their land documents. “Land allocation should no longer be a spectacle in our country,” she argues. Jhakry thinks Brunswijk’s idea isn’t entirely bad, as it supports further agricultural development. However, she is skeptical of why Brunswijk is suddenly making this promise, given that the GBB ministry is under ABOP’s control.
“The agricultural sector has been neglected for years. What’s stopping you from making this a reality?” Jhakry questioned, expressing hope that the minister can fulfill this promise, as it would benefit society. Furthermore, she notes that this promise should not be limited to Nickerie but should be for all citizens who are seeking a piece of land. She is also uncertain about the availability of land for distribution, as she is unaware of any government project of this nature in the works.
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