It is not true that rice farmers in the Nickerie district have fully received the promised aid from the SRD 70 million fund. Last Wednesday, Minister Parmanand Sewdien of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, and Fisheries (LVV) claimed that all registered farmers had received the aid. However, VHP Member of Parliament Mahinder Jogi disputes this claim.
Jogi, who maintains close contact with the group, said he has heard from farmers that many have not received any payment. Speaking to Suriname suriname, the MP—who has often advocated for rice farmers in parliament—stated that some farmers received less than agreed upon, while others received more than expected.
The financial aid was supposed to be distributed at a fixed rate per hectare. In total, support was calculated over approximately 20,000 hectares. Jogi is uncertain whether the minister was misinformed by his staff or knowingly provided inaccurate information.
Jogi cannot confirm the exact number of farmers who have not received funds. For transparency, he is calling on Sewdien to publish or share a list clearly indicating which farmers received aid and which did not. According to Jogi, LVV has consistently avoided offering such transparency. He plans to raise this issue again in the National Assembly to ensure that farmers receive the promised assistance.
Meanwhile, some farmers have reported not receiving any funds and feel that the situation has become even more unclear. During protests a few months ago, farmers demanded compensation for substantial losses due to drought, flooding, fires, and a rat infestation that threatened their rice fields in the district. In response, the government allocated SRD 70 million to support the affected farmers. Despite the challenges of the season, Sewdien stated that the harvest ultimately turned out well, which he views as a positive development for the agricultural sector.
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