Curtis Hofwijks, activist and entrepreneur, shrugs off the recent tensions within the coalition. “If it were still about people I looked up to, I would have tried to help find a solution. But I have little regard for the current cabinet,” Hofwijks said. According to him, it was clear from day one that things would go wrong between the cooperating parties.
“In all the rush to prevent the NDP from gaining governmental power, a coalition was formed to keep ‘purple’ out,” he explains. Hofwijks made these statements on the program De Tafel van Suriname suriname and on Rasonic TV. The activist commented on the current situation in the country and the lead-up to the 2025 elections.
He expects a tense election, partly due to the new system of nationwide proportionality. As for the current government, Hofwijks notes that it has achieved very little. Besides setting up a few funds for small entrepreneurs, he can hardly name any concrete achievements of the government.
The entrepreneur believes that the current rulers should be ashamed, given how much criticism they directed at their predecessors, and how little better they have done. Regarding the upcoming elections, Hofwijks sees a growing group of people who do not see an alternative in what is emerging on the political front. While he observes some movement within certain parties, he still doesn’t think it’s the moment when they will be seen by society as an alternative.
Hofwijks believes that Surinamese people still vote emotionally, rather than rationally. They vote because someone looks like them or because their parents voted for a certain party. He also doesn’t buy into the hype surrounding a woman as President. The activist believes that it doesn’t matter who holds the highest office in the country, but that the person must be capable of elevating Suriname to greater heights.
He also expects more debates so the people can clearly see which leader is capable of responding to the problems the country faces. If there is no alternative, he calls on society to look at all the lists and punish those who have already had the opportunity to lead the country but fell short. The activist would like to see new faces given a chance, hoping that some good politicians are among them.
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