Granman of the Wayana people, Ipomadi “Miep” Pelenapin, made a heartfelt appeal for the recognition and protection of Indigenous community rights in Suriname during the Transboundary River Basins Conference held on November 1 at Hotel Torarica. The event marked the launch of Phase 2 of the Bio-Plateaux project, which will run from 2024 to 2026.
The Bio-Plateaux project, co-financed by the European Union through the Interreg Amazon Cooperation Program, aims to facilitate the exchange of data, information, and experiences regarding water and biodiversity in aquatic ecosystems across French Guiana, Brazil, and Suriname. Its specific focus is on the transboundary river basins of the Oiapoque and Marowijne Rivers.
Suriname remains the only South American country yet to legally recognize the land rights of Indigenous and Maroon communities. Despite international pressure and rulings by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, these rights remain unaddressed. The granman did not shy away from expressing his frustration over this injustice.
Pelenapin underscored the vital role of Indigenous communities in preserving biodiversity. “Eighty percent of global biodiversity exists in territories safeguarded by Indigenous peoples. Yet, despite our indispensable contribution to environmental protection, our communities are systematically ignored,” he stated.
He also highlighted the devastating impact of illegal gold mining activities, which lead to deforestation and mercury contamination of rivers. These rivers are crucial for the daily livelihoods of Indigenous communities but are now under threat from such harmful practices, resulting in severe health issues, especially among women and children.
“We will not remain silent while our land and our people are destroyed,” warned Pelenapin, urging those benefiting from these exploitative activities to take responsibility.
While he welcomed the conference’s efforts, Pelenapin stressed the need for action beyond dialogue. He called for concrete measures and legal protections, concluding his speech with a firm declaration: “We are not asking for permission to live peacefully on our own land. We demand it.”
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