The Procurement Act was passed last week in the National Assembly (DNA) with unanimous support of 28 votes. With the approval of this law, the procurement process in Suriname will become fairer and more transparent. The law mandates that every procurement be published, and the guidelines have been standardized. This change means that entrepreneurs will no longer face varying rules and procedures.
Additionally, it is now clear what decision has been made regarding a bidder and who ultimately receives the contract or service. During the vote, the NDP and BEP factions were not present in the chamber.
The NDP faction, through faction leader Rabin Parmessar, indicated that they were leaving the chamber due to dissatisfaction with the limited opportunity to discuss matters in detail after the second round. Both the NDP and BEP factions had hoped for more time to discuss important issues, as significant changes had been made to the law following the second round for parliament.
According to Assembly Chairman Marinus Bee, however, the parliamentary rules of order do not allow for extensive discussion after the second round. Members were limited to only two minutes of interruption time.
The initiator of the law, Asis Gajadien (VHP), noted that Suriname has a long history of procurement, but the world is constantly changing, and tenders are now often conducted online. This law aims to make the procurement process as transparent as possible so that everyone knows when tenders are held and who wins the contracts.
Minister of Finance and Planning Stanley Raghoebarsing said that the role of the DNA is often underestimated in the country’s reconstruction, but that laws like this, which focus on transparency and oversight, contribute to the country’s reliability.
The law also establishes the legal relationships to ensure that no committee has authority above the government, and the penalties have been strengthened. Where specific matters are not addressed, the minister highlighted a commitment to always act appropriately. He mentioned that, wherever possible, payments for work should be made via bank transfer or digitally to avoid cash transactions.
Mahinder Jogi (VHP), chairman of the reporting committee, stated that the procurement process for projects in Suriname has been made more transparent and that the Caricom protocol has been followed. He added that while rules for public procurement already exist, this new law is not unique in taking a few months after approval to come into force.
Dew Sharman, Vice President of DNA, stated that this law is more of a necessity than a desire, emphasizing that it provides strong guidelines to minimize emergencies and contributes to the upliftment of the nation.
Obed Kanape, leader of the ABOP/PL faction, remarked that the law will reduce the state’s legal disputes, as the rules are now clearer. The minister concluded by noting that the law also promotes international alignment, being in line with Caricom guidelines and supporting Suriname’s further integration into the world.
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