The fireworks period, spanning from December 27, 2024, to January 1, 2025, concluded with six reported injuries. The final incident occurred on the evening of January 1, when a 9-year-old girl sustained a forehead injury caused by fireworks.
Incidents on New Year’s Day morningOn the morning of January 1, the Emergency Department (ER) at the Academic Hospital Paramaribo (AZP) treated a 30-year-old man and a 7-year-old boy. Both suffered eye burns caused by fireworks. After treatment, they were discharged.
Injuries in Nickerie on New Year’s EveOn December 31, the Mungra Medical Center Nickerie (MMC) reported two fireworks-related injuries. Around 3:00 PM, a 12-year-old boy was hit by a “striker” and was referred to AZP’s ophthalmology clinic. Later that evening, at 7:40 PM, a 3-year-old girl got fireworks debris in her eye. She was treated and released.
First injury of the fireworks periodThe first recorded injury of this period was a 20-year-old man who sustained an eye injury while setting off fireworks on Friday, December 27.
Incident before the official fireworks periodOn December 26, one day before the official fireworks period began, a 3-year-old child sustained an injury to their left eye. The child was referred to an eye specialist for further treatment.
Of the six injuries recorded during this fireworks period, five involved eye injuries. The ages of the victims ranged from 3 to 30 years. This year saw a decline in the number of injuries compared to the previous fireworks period, which recorded 12 cases.
The staff of MMC, AZP, and the Suriname Fire Brigade extend their wishes for a speedy recovery to all the victims and urge the community to prioritize safety when setting off fireworks.
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