Minister Parmanand Sewdien of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, and Fisheries (LVV) stated that farmers have likely received their full compensation. He shared this information before the weekly Council of Ministers (RvM) meeting. However, some farmers report that the amounts received were lower than expected, which may lead to further questions and complaints regarding the compensation process.
During protests a few months ago, farmers demanded compensation for significant losses due to drought, flooding, fires, and a rat infestation that threatened their rice fields in the district. In response, the government allocated SRD 70 million to support affected farmers. Despite the season’s challenges, Sewdien reported that the harvest was ultimately successful, which he sees as a positive development for the agricultural sector.
There have also been speculations regarding LVV Director Jitendra Kalloe and allegations that he may have personally received part of the compensation funds.
However, the minister clarified that this information is incorrect. He explained that it was not the director himself but his brother—who also works in the agricultural sector—who received compensation. The minister hopes this clarification will ensure transparency and build trust in the payout process.
Sewdien also discussed the sector’s future and the need for structural improvements to lower the cost of paddy production. One potential step he mentioned is the establishment of a processing company. Such a company could reduce production costs over time, allowing farmers to better benefit from their yields.
The LVV leader expressed confidence that these measures will help farmers break the cycle of low prices and complaints, ultimately strengthening the sector.
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