Despite efforts by the government, daycare centers under the Ministry of Social Affairs and Housing (Sozavo) continue to face significant challenges. A major issue is the shortage of staff, making it difficult to maintain operations. On Wednesday, November 6, employees of government daycare centers presented a petition to Vice President Ronnie Brunswijk.
The employees reported a severe manpower shortage due to absenteeism and retirements. As a result, the limited staff available is forced to work double shifts, from 6:30 AM to 4:30 PM. Currently, over 100 qualified employees are needed to address the issue.
Adding to the strain, employees are not receiving overtime pay. This concern was raised with the vice president, who pledged to work towards a solution. They also informed him that Sozavo Minister Ines Pané had previously brought the situation to President Chan Santokhi’s attention twice in writing, but no changes have been made so far.
The daycare workers’ plea comes at a time when efforts have been made to renovate childcare facilities using funds from the Basic Needs Trust Fund (BNTF) and indirect financing from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB). While the buildings have been refurbished, no improvements have been made regarding staff compensation.
A daycare employee voiced frustration not only about the lack of overtime pay but also about low wages.“The renovations look great, but we can barely make ends meet, even though we are responsible for shaping the children. Our salary runs out in no time,” the employee said.
Some of the government daycare centers include Nene, Fajalobi, Kokori, Mamio, and Gongoté.
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