Minister Krishna Mathoera of Defense states that the military is undergoing a transformational phase. This transformation is focused on developing a stronger, more skilled, and flexible defense organization.The minister emphasized that efforts are being made to improve the core tasks of the ministry, such as the protection of Suriname and its interests.
In recent years, significant investments have been made in training personnel at various levels within the ministry. Additionally, procedures have been improved, and efforts have been focused on developing competencies, leadership, logistics, communication, and collaboration.
Minister Mathoera indicated that substantial progress has already been made in improving the defense apparatus, although much work remains. According to the minister, the changes will be implemented gradually, aiming to build a sustainably stronger military.
The ministry’s future plans also include a greater focus on technological innovations and advancements. In addition, addressing the backlog in building maintenance is a priority. Despite the challenges, the current steps will help build a resilient defense organization in the long term.
The minister emphasized that the role of the military goes beyond operations within the barracks. The military must be visible throughout the country and, with greater powers, will be able to perform its duties more effectively. Regarding military service, the minister stated that there are no plans to introduce conscription. However, efforts are underway to establish a reserve corps.
This corps, which already operates successfully in other countries, will strengthen the military’s capacity and can be deployed during national emergencies. Mathoera emphasized that the ministry aims to recruit people from all districts for this corps, enabling the military to respond more quickly and efficiently in crisis situations.
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