Captain Jong: “The DC of Apoera is ruining our residential area, and we do not want that”

The traditional authority of the Indigenous village of Apoera, located in the western part of Suriname, has expressed its dissatisfaction with the policies of District Commissioner (DC) Josta Lewis of the Kabalebo administrative region. Captain Marchiano Jong states that the DC has been allowing businesses into their territory without consulting the traditional leadership, causing confusion and tension within the community.
“The DC is ruining our area. She does not bring development, and we see no progress. We are constantly surprised by the arrival of companies in our residential area,” said Captain Jong in an interview with Suriname suriname.
According to Jong, 25 applications for concessions have recently been submitted for the area, with one individual applying for six concessions. He points out that the DC has granted approval without involving the traditional leadership. “The DC represents the state, but we are responsible for the area. The DC is rude and disrespectful. She makes decisions without consulting us,” the captain emphasized.
Captain Jong further explained that he had found the company Gold Line Mining willing to work in their area. However, according to him, the DC falsely informed the community that the company would be mining for gold, which was not the case.
District Commissioner Lewis responded to Jong’s accusations, denying any misinformation. “Captain Jong has already ended his cooperation with me, and he did so in the presence of the investigative team of President Chan Santokhi,” she said.
Lewis emphasized that she cannot be held responsible for the captains’ refusal to cooperate. “It is the residents themselves who requested land and built houses. That is why I responded positively to their applications,” she explained.
Lewis also pointed out that the captains should represent the community and not pursue their own interests. “I work from my office and make sure not to enter the captains’ villages. The people registered themselves following a call on television and other media,” she added.
A major point of conflict is the memorandum of understanding that Captain Jong signed with Gold Line Mining without the community’s knowledge. The Minister of Natural Resources, David Abiamofo, granted a concession without consulting the DC, leading to strong protests from the community. The President has since suspended the application, and the matter is now before the court.
The company in question would develop mining activities close to the villages where the Indigenous people traditionally hunt and fish. This area is crucial for their food supply, and the residents fear that their access to these natural resources will be restricted. “Hunters and fishermen are prohibited from entering the area, which poses a serious threat to their traditional way of life,” Jong stated.
District Commissioner Lewis acknowledged that there are concerns within the community but stated that the mining activities are taking place further away from the villages, beyond their reach. “We cannot stop development in the area. It is the residents who have applied for land, and they are entitled to a fair process,” she said.