Vice President Ronnie Brunswijk has indicated that he has no issues with the numerous foreign trips made by President Chan Santokhi, despite the criticism surrounding them in society. This year, the President has already undertaken more than twelve foreign trips, which has raised questions for some about the necessity and frequency of these travels.
In a conversation with journalists before the meeting of the Council of Ministers, Brunswijk emphasized his support for the President’s travel opportunities. “He can leave every day if he wants; I’ll be the acting President,” said the Vice President with a smile.
Brunswijk seems to highlight that he has no objection to assuming the presidency during Santokhi’s absence. His expression of support shows that the Vice President has confidence in the President’s international engagements, aimed at strengthening Suriname’s relations with other countries.
Brunswijk’s statements can be seen as reassurance to the public that the continuity of governance will be maintained, even when the President is on official trips.
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