Vice President Ronnie Brunswijk emphasized that despite current tensions, the coalition is not in crisis. Brunswijk stressed that the agreements made during the formation of the current government must be honored and that the ABOP has the right to appoint the Minister of Home Affairs, as previously agreed.
Brunswijk also addressed rumors about his potential candidacy for the presidency. He stated that such speculation does not interest him and that the choice of a president ultimately lies in the hands of the Almighty, not with the chairman of Pertjajah Luhur (PL). Brunswijk refused to engage in the polemic and dismissed the current remarks circulating as unimportant.
Relations between ABOP and PL appear to be deteriorating, as evidenced by Brunswijk’s remark that PL has “declared war” on ABOP. However, he stressed that the elections will ultimately decide the outcome and that it is not for him or PL to determine who will be the next president.
Regarding former Minister Maurits Hassankhan, Brunswijk stated that there is no issue with him, despite Hassankhan describing himself as too old for the position of Minister of Home Affairs. Brunswijk emphasized that Hassankhan is indeed capable of the role, but ABOP will await the president’s approval before nominating a candidate for the position.
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