Vice President Ronnie Brunswijk believes that State Advisor Paul Somohardjo should not have an office at the Ministry of Home Affairs but should be situated at the Office of the President. Brunswijk made this statement during an interview with journalists from D-TV and TBN. His remarks followed a report from Nasier Eskak, Director of Home Affairs, who informed him that he had received higher-level instructions to reassign the previously vacated office to Somohardjo.
Eskak also noted that the new Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, Maurits Hassankhan, would be appropriately accommodated. Initially, Brunswijk expressed no objection to the arrangement. However, after persistent questioning from journalists, the ABOP leader admitted that Somohardjo’s presence at the ministry was perceived as provocative and frustrating. “What is he doing here?” Brunswijk questioned, adding that he planned to discuss the matter with President Chan Santokhi.
Somohardjo, who had previously commented on the issue, expressed surprise at being asked to vacate his office. He stated that he was instructed to clear his workspace but later received an invitation from the president for a meeting the same day.
During the swearing-in ceremony for the new Minister and Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, Santokhi reportedly affirmed that the Pertjajah Luhur (PL) party remains part of the coalition. He also indicated that an investigation would be conducted into the mismanagement of the office reassignment process.
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