Minister Kenneth Amoksi of Justice and Police (Juspol) has strongly condemned the shooting incident in which a police helicopter came under fire in the Grankreek area. Calling the perpetrators “gangsters,” the minister made it clear that a special unit is actively pursuing the criminals. Speaking just before the Council of Ministers meeting, he emphasized the ministry’s determination to arrest and prosecute those responsible.
The incident occurred when a helicopter from the Regional Assistance Unit (RBT) East was shot at during landing. Three unit members were aboard the helicopter. Two officers were injured: one sustained a gunshot wound to the left knee and received medical treatment, while the other suffered minor injuries from glass shards after a window of the helicopter was shattered. Fortunately, no life-threatening injuries were reported.
Minister Amoksi also addressed broader security challenges faced by the police force. In discussions with the police leadership, rising crime rates, particularly robberies, were identified as a major concern.
The Juspol chief stressed the need for extra attention to the situation, affirming the government’s commitment to improving safety nationwide. While he did not provide specific figures, Amoksi highlighted the government’s resolve to combat crime effectively.
Meanwhile, the police are continuing their search for the shooters, aiming to restore safety in the Grankreek area and bring the perpetrators to justice promptly.
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